Saturday, December 31, 2011

Cora at 10 months

Cora at 10 months is a ball of smiles and energy for sure.  She is making the funniest "old man" faces and smiling with her 4 teeth as proud as you please.

She and her sister are starting to smile and share moments more and more--especially in the car where they are captively next to each other for a few minutes each day to and from work.

By 10 months she is cruising with ease--reaching and grabbing for anything in site, usually my pant legs :)  And it won't be long before she's walking like a champ!  She's saying dog and ball (sometimes) and Ily quite often.  She's also signing yes and more and all-done (those food signs really help me, more than anything!)

She and Ily are buddies--Ily is SO patient with her, just like she was with Amara.  They like to sit at the back door together and look at the passing cars--I wonder if anyone can see them--I'm sure they'd wreck over the cuteness if they could!

The intensity on Cora's face is so telling.

Pressing her face on the glass, blowing raspberries, and feeling the cold glass on her face :)

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