Friday, July 12, 2013

Colt's 2nd bday party

Cousin Colt turned 2 in June and had a birthday party at home.  Amara and E went to that one--Cora was throwing up and not really in a party mood--so she and I stayed back.  It worked out though, because Amara and Morgan (also 5) got a chance for some big-girl play time.

Amara had a blast playing with all her family up at Matt and Steph's place.  The day wasn't too hot or sunny, so the kids were able to stay out and play for quite a while.

Colt got a new swingset for his birthday and all the kids had a blast playing on it--or so I heard when E and Amara got home.  Amara even stayed at the party extra long and G'ma and G'pa Young brought her home.  Even THEN she wanted to go back and play more.

The party theme was bubbleguppies and Amara was happy to bring a party bag home for Cora too.  We were sad she couldn't make it, but Eric said he and Amara had a great time with Colt.  I hope he had a super birthday party with all his cousins and family.

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