Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Cora is a Bear Cub!

Amara always loved this class.   Half hour to tumble, climb, hang, crawl, and jump with mommy :)   This time, big sis came along to watch from the sidelines, and it's in a new building--slightly bigger space I'd say.
The first class, Cora was all about it.  She had watched Amara 'grow up through the ranks' of gymnastics, always waiting her turn, so when they let her loose--she took off and didn't look back for mom!

She liked jumping and rolling too.  I think Eric couldn't get any pics of her because she never stood still!

She loved the tunnel best--then the trampoline of course. 

At the end, they did the parachute, everyone's favorite--then stamps and one tiny tootsie roll, she loves that.

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