Tuesday, July 16, 2013

rainy July 4th parade

We have had an insane amount of rain this last month of so and the July 4th holiday was not spared.  Regardless, we headed out to enjoy the parade at Ashville, with umbrellas, buckets, and blankets all ready.

Waiting on the parade wasn't as fun as usual though--the girls were bored and kind of sweaty and kind of over it--but as soon as the parade started, they perked right up.

Cora loved the drums and bands, tractors and kids.  A lot of the younger kids in the parade came right over to her to hand her suckers, she was in heaven.

She also waved to every single queen (or princess) I can't believe her arm didn't fall off! Her wave was adorable and she caused a lot of smiles that morning for the girls in the parade.
Horses are always a favorite for the girls too.  We also enjoyed lots of ball teams, big tractors, cheerleaders (which thrilled Amara) candy and fun.  The rain let of a little a few different point in the parade, so we weren't soaked--but the girls were certainly ready to go when it was over.  Hey, at least we didn't get sunburned!

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