Sunday, July 28, 2013

water fun at g'ma's

In between the rain, fireworks and parades, we made it to mom and dads to fire up the old slide.  Eric and I had to run out to meet the contractor, so we left the girls to play with their cousins a bit.

When we got back,
they were almost waterlogged, completely confident, and having a blast!

Cora was wearing sister's bathing suit, that kept falling down, but she didn't care.

The boys were having a blast running and splashing the girls and the girls gave it right back to them.

They would line up in the yard and run for the pool--running from so far away that they were about exhausted by the time they finally made it there!

By the end, we had the water jets off, but it was still slippery enough.  As things started to get cool, we packed it up, dried them off, and headed home.  Not sure if it'll make it out again, but they sure do have fun with it!

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