Thursday, May 6, 2010

Home Depot, Picket fence flower pot

Since we missed the Home Depot craft date last month (because it fell on the same day as the Eggstravaganza) we REALLY wanted to make it out this month.

Since we've all been doing a lot of yard work and planting (Amara has her own set of tools, gloves and a garden bag and hat) I was really excited for this particular craft.

The day started off POURING rain, not uncommon for April in Ohio--but we ventured out anyway.  We tried a different Home Depot (vs. Grove City) this month, to see if the stores did things differently--and they did.

We had a table all to ourselves, and plenty of tools, glue, instructions and parts.  Eric got started on the gluing, with Amara's help of course.  It wasn't long before Amara was distracted by the other kids, construction materials and caution tape--so Eric turned it up a notch and cranked out the planter in record time!

After construction, Amara got a pin and certificate of achievement--and we headed over to the planting station.  To our surprise, they were decorating with balloons, and a nice man gave Amara 2!  She was thrilled!  We put potting soil and seeds in our pot and headed out (into the pouring rain) for the rest of our day.

We got home and immediately watered the little guy, and put him straight in the window--surprise, we already have little green sprouts, now THAT was fast!

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