Monday, May 31, 2010

Kickoff to Summer

Even though it's not officially Summer till late June, 2 things are always a kickoff for us--going to the boys' games, and ice cream (well--used to be for E and I is a big deal for Amara too).

We headed to Windsor Park to catch up on some games.  It was catch up day on some tournament games, and there were lots of rain delays.  Having to find a way to pass the time, we stopped by the park, and on the way to the park, Amara spotted suckers at the concession stand.

Papaw too charge and got her right up to the line.  This is a VERY familiar site for us, and mom and I both grabbed for our cameras.  Tim has played on this field WAY back as far as I can the boys, so I guess you could say we've been coming to this park on and off for 40 years--and always this concession stand. 

She grabbed a sucker and a hot dog, and we headed out to the cars.  Mom got a new car that has a DVD player in it, so Amara LOVES that feature and jumped in.  On the way out--we spotted a water tower (something else Amara loves) and told her that just like the one near Grandma and Grandpa's house, it says "Grove City" on it.  She repeated back "says Grove City."  Now, every time she sees large lettering on something, she says "says Grove City!"

After a day of ballparks, getting mulch, a visit to the park, and just enjoying the weekend, we headed to UDF.  Eric and I are realizing that Grove City has a dozen or so ice cream places--and we're going to try to go to different ones.  I had noticed a sign for some new "Summer flavors," so we headed in.  I think the green was called Dinosaur egg, and the blue was Paintball or something like that.  One of them was "mine," but really--she shared between the two until she had her fill.  She did really well with them--she picked them out herself after tasting a half dozen, so we were relatively confident.  Big Summer ahead!

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