Saturday, May 22, 2010

Stacking/ Cheese

Mornings, and getting to be there when Amara wakes up, because she is SO happy and sweet, are definitely one of my favorite times with her.

On this particular day, I was working from home, so although my mom comes over to be here to take her to a class, or just back to her place, I get to be there for one extra wake-up time.

We had come into the play room, and were playing with all her stuffed friends.  Sitting them up, lining them up (she's into this 'lining things up' thing right now) and having a great time.  Without warning, she want and got her Buckeye rocker, and starting piling the guys in there.  She was stacking them higher and higher and before we knew it, she was before her stacking masterpiece of dozens of stuffed guys!

She was so proud, I grabbed the camera to capture the moment, her proud moment, and thought to say "say cheese" which she did.  I told her I'd print this for her to put in her playroom (which I need to do) but what a sweetheart...and really good at stacking!

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