Monday, April 18, 2011

Beanie's new fav

There is a Jet's pizza on Sancus, just a few doors down from Bean's little gym class.  I think she tried it first with Grandma Jackie a few months ago, and it quickly became a destination.  I tried it with her, and then I think Eric tried it finally last month--now, I'm not sure if it's her favorite, or ERIC's :)

So, we familiarized ourselves with where these were, in case we were near one and sure enough, when we were searching for a new swing set, we found one up on Seldom Seen in Powell.  After playing for a while, we headed there for a slice for lunch and I had to catch a shot of her leaving with daddy.

I thought it was really cute that they went inside and waited 10+ minutes for a piece of pizza, but hey, when it's a favorite, what can you do, right? 

Incidentially, I have to mention that Eric is looking into franchising in the G.C. area, lord help us all! haha

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