Monday, April 18, 2011

Chocolate Factory Tour

We decided to revisit the Anthony-Thomas Chocolate Factory Tour again this year, considering Amara enjoyed it so much last year.  For the last few weeks, as we drove past and saw the big pink rabbit, we've been telling her about it, so come game time, she knew and was ready to go.

This year was a little different than last year though--last year we walked right in and didn't wait but a few minutes.  This year, Amara and Eric stood outside for a good 20 minutes before even getting into the lobby, while Cora and I waited in the car.  Once we got in though, it was all familiar.  The samples, pics with the E.B. and candy eggs were hits!

We got to show her the strawberries she loves, as well as buckeyes being made...though, she started to tucker fast, since we were approaching nap time.

At the end they had the fresh samples, always fun, then we hit the candy store for a few things (we can stock the Easter basket with as well).

The 4th E.B. was hiding in there for a quick photo op--dolled up in his jeans and waiting for attention.

We had fun and hope to continue the tradition with little sister--I think as long as there is candy involed, we'll be safe :)

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