Monday, April 18, 2011

Music Class

I thought I'd get some updated pics at music class since I had the chance and what a treat.  This week we did the gathering drum--which just happens to be the same one we got Amara for her 1st birthday, so that was a hit!

Mrs. Kelly instructing the kids--this week it was all girls, the 4 of them, very patiently waiting and learning.

The group all putting the drum away together, pretty organized--I need whatever magic Mrs. Kelly has, I can't get one kid to put ONE toy away :)

Up next were songs about farms and farm animals--the kids were so cute with their sounds and noises--Amara clearly was ok taking a back seat, I guess she feels like she knows them :)

Time for the rainstick.  Seems no matter what you have at home, somewhere else, it becomes MUCH more interesting.  This accompainied "it's raining it's pouring" a favorite of Amara's, so the girls all took turns singing a verse and getting a turn with the rain stick.  So patient and sharing!

Lastly, it's time for "La-La's" or the music note stamps they always receive at the end of class.  This week they also did tone bells with the song "raining raining" and there were 3 tone bells to 4 girls, so they rotated them in as they got some Mrs. Kelly time--it worked out perfectly!

Hands and belly, followed by kisses and hugs!

We're not sure if we'll be able to continue our classes after we go back to work and Amara starts school, but we've loved our time with Mrs. Kelly so very much.

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