Saturday, March 31, 2012

Beanie Ballerinie

After the plethora of classes we've tried with Amara, we wanted to take a stab and see if she was a natural grace.  You know what?  We were surprised!  I wasn't sure really how it'd go, but she actually has so rhythm and follows Ms. Tammy when she feels like it.

Since Amanda's daughter Mallory had taken the Baby Ballerina's class before and loved it, I figured it was worth a try.  There were a handful in the class, and Amara looked like a doll for sure--legwarmers and all.  We'd gone shopping in the fall with Kristin, so she was all suited up to play the part.

Ms. Tammy taught them a lot of ballet lingo right off the bat.  They all lined up to follow her across the room, perform jumps, do some circle activities, and at the end, practice a dance they would perform at the end of the season.

Sometimes the movements weren't quite as exaggerated as the teacher--but she was a taskmaster, and would encourage the girls to push forward.  Though she tried, about 20 minutes into the 30 minute class each week, the girls would get distracted and fidgety, but Beanie really seemed to enjoy her time in there.

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