Saturday, March 31, 2012

COSI: Cora's first birthday!

We started a tradition with Amara that Eric and I take her birthday off and we go to the zoo.  We enjoy it so much that we decided to do the same thing with Cora--but since it's February, that COSI was a good option.
We headed up near opening time and it was already getting packed.  This year, her birthday happened to fall on a Friday, so it's always packed on a Friday--but she enjoys people watching, so we were ok.
We headed upstairs to the kidspace area, a default for us--that Amara is probably close to outgrowing, but Cora was amazed with.  She went down the slide with me and pushed wheelbarrows around, played in the water tables and put her mouth on just about every toy in the place.
After only an hour and a half or so, the girls were worn out.  We headed out of there to grab a bite and get home for naps.

We had a great and fun birthday trip for Cora (even with her poor birthday cold) and can't wait for the next one!  OH--and Beanie and daddy got in the tornado closet thingy--winds up to almost 80 mph!  She was so funny with her hair all blowing around!

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