Saturday, March 31, 2012

Beanie's Valentines Party

A lot of times, activities at Primrose fall on days when she isn't there.  Of course--Amara doesn't even know she's missing something, but Eric and I feel kind of bad for her that she misses some of the big holidays (which tend to fall on Fridays for some reason this year...)

I was elated to find out that Valentine's Day fell on one of her days, and that she'd get to celebrate it with her pals.  In fact, the school also did a little show and tell for the moms and dads (which we love) and we were all excited for it.

Valentine's look a LOT different than when we were kids--but the nice thing is that we turned in our Valentine's in early, and the teachers assembled little baggies for all the kiddos.  The only downside is we didn't get to build the infamous Valentine's box, but I'm betting we will in a few years :)
These were Beanie's Valentines--she picked them out from Michaels and we all did them together--though she wrote the names on them :) She loves writing her name and is getting pretty good at it!

The event was 2 songs, and punch and cookies--taking goodies home, and getting out of school early.  A fun day to see teachers and friends, and gush over our little lady.

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