Saturday, March 31, 2012

Cora and mommy

I don't know if or why no one really ever expresses why there aren't as many photos of the 2nd child as the first, but I've certainly figured it out--and it is true.  With Amara, it seemed we always had the camera in hand, one of us at least--and we took so many photos of things we can't even recall...with Cora, not only does one of us have Amara "in hand," but I feel like we've refined what we capture now to an extent.
That said, these are some images that are engraved on my brain, and I hope will be forever...taking naps or sleeping together, nursing, and the closeness I feel with her night now.
I feel so very different about both my girls than I did a year ago, and I feel like even though I'm getting to know them now as siblings and sisters, that I'm still finding my way as a parent of two.

I enjoy my time with both girls so very much--but it is different with a baby for sure.  The way they stare in your eyes to your soul, and you to theirs, there's no price tag for a second like that and no way to capture it.  Thank you for all your grins and giggles, your stares and all the wonderful little moments you've given and continue to give me, baby doll.

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