Saturday, February 28, 2015

hip hop pics

Hip Hop picture day was planned well before Amara's accident and it would have been just another day--but the circumstances made it very special. 
Since her cast was so new and we were still trying to figure out clothing, I got to work examining her shirt, trying to figure out how to get the sleeve apart in a way that it could be put back on--but would still look awesome. 
I figured it out and spent a WHILE taking the seam out of a mix of spandex and fishnet type material without destroying feathers, etc. At the end I was pretty proud of myself!
The next morning she got up ready to rock her hair and makeup and we held our breath while we got the shirt on and it was PERFECT!! Everyone was so happy to see her at pictures and Kaylee and all her team got to sign her cast on top of that--the adventure took an ordinary event into a creative and thoughtful outing for both of us.

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