Friday, February 20, 2015

that's the breaks

I had spent the day with Cora for mommy-cora day and was putting her to bed, when i got the text from eric, "Don't freak out, but Amara hurt her arm..." and so it began :(

Eric took her to urgent care, after a fall trying a new stunt out in hip hop dance practice wednesday night ( Feb. 11). I stayed with Cora, but broke down when I got the call it was broken.

I texted Dr. DiCarlo who told me to get her to Children's Ortho first thing in the morning, so that's what we did. At just after 9 on Thursday we got the confirmation she broke her lower arm, both bones--pretty good. They cast it immediately after multiple sets of xrays to be sure of the break and treatment, but told us that with COMPLETE rest and care, that we could avoid surgery.
She was a trooper. Said it hurt that first night but only told us the next day. By 24 hours post accident, she was home resting, waiting for that magical hour when we could start signing it, and enjoying being waited on hand and foot (which I was happy to do and insisted on).

Prognosis was 6-8 weeks in a cast. missing out on a lot of winter activities including anything having to do with snow or rough playing, dance, karate, etc. but the bonus (as she told Carissa) was "that I get to spend more time with mommy, daddy, and sissy"--but I secretly think she means watching more family feud which she has become addicted to, lol.

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