Sunday, February 7, 2010


On the weekends, Eric and I like to do those things we don't get to do during the week together--trips, classes, crafts--that kind of thing.

We stumbled across our package of suncatchers today (that we started last month and I think got put away with Christmas stuff) and decided to work on a few more.

It's amazing to me, in a short month's time, how much more hand control to squeeze, aim, etc. Amara has in drawing, painting, etc. and if I didn't know better--I'd say she was actually ENJOYING making the little bugs!

She seems like she is REALLY paying attention to detail and is obsessed with the caps and pens and different markers, crayons, etc. Though she still has a short attention span (Gemini), I have a feeling she has an artistic eye :)

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