Sunday, February 28, 2010


We've officially crossed over into the realm of "game playing..." as far as I'm concerned. Playing "getchu" (as in "I'm going to get you") is a multiple-times-a-day event, usually with Daddy.

The latest addition to this game is the "Ummmm" element. As Eric is walking around the room "looking for Amara..." he would often say " she outside? under the table, etc."

After Eric catches her, we started noticing that if Eric didn't "start" trying to find her soon enough, she would start saying "umm..." on her own, as in "get to it dad! I'm hiding here!"--as if to coach Eric as to how to play the game.

He and I just looked at each other in astonishment, that she had picked up on this tiny detail that he and I never really paid much attention to.

Now, whenever they are "hiding," or playing various games--and there is a lull, you will often hear Amara start in with the "ummmm" portion of the moment. It's evident now more than ever that she REALLY hears, and interprets what you're saying and doing, every second of day.


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