Monday, December 31, 2012

2012: Mommy's wrap

Our girls keep me on my toes--let there be no mixing words on this...

...but I am literally amazed every new day at the new things they do.

Amara is thriving at her new school at GCCCC with Mrs. Misty, and still enjoying time with Cora at Mrs. Sarah's with Jonathan, Sloan, and Benjamin.  She is obsessed with learning a cartwheel (and I'm no help) and tries to do running flips and headstands on the couch, whenever it's unoccupied.

Her favorite thing in the world is to write letters.  She loves asking how to spell any old thing she sees and though she hasn't grasped spacing or writing on lines, we all enjoy her love for writing.

She hugs Cora often (and picks her up too) and she often pleads with her to play--even though I know it might not last long.  They love to chase each other around the house, toss balls with Ily and dance and wiggle to most any music.

Cora's language is taking off! Just yesterday she said probably 10 words I'd never heard her use before!  She loves all the kids at Mrs. Sarah's and also loves the occasional day she gets to spend at Grandma and Grandpa Jahns or when Grandma or Grandpa Young visit.

I just started planning her 2nd birthday party (Hello Kitty--she's obsessed with her) for February, and I can't wait to see what she gets into!

Cora has enjoyed her gymnastics classes too and often tries to flip on her own.  I think we're going to revisit music class and maybe the Little Gym when the session continues.

She also loves to jump on Amara's bed, pretty much any chance she gets--and sissy (as Cora calls Amara) is right there to show her how to jump higher and farther.

As we close the year, we are enjoying all learning more about sewing together, doing crafts when we can, baking, playing, watching their favorite shows (ANT farm and the Fresh Beat Band), and finding new adventures.  I feel so very lucky to have them (and Eric) in my life and have no idea what I did with all my free time before now, haha, because we certainly don't have any right now!

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