Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas morning!

I set my alarm for 5:45, but by a little after 5, I was up--good thing, because Amara wasn't long behind me. I got up in time to get some dishes loaded and the sausage rolls started, but shortly thereafter, I saw a little blondie on the stairs in footie pajamas--that when she spotted me, scampered back upstairs.

Eric and I caught her and gave her a hug--she was pretty groggy...getting up at 6 will do that!

Eric and I caught her and gave her a hug--she was pretty groggy...getting up at 6 will do that!
She wanted to see if Santa had come and boy did he!
It seemed like forever till 7:15 when the Jahn's came and then 7:30 till the Young's came.  We started on stockings first, since Amara just couldn't wait--and then she was all too eager to dig into the presents as soon as we green-lighted her.
She certainly was the most interested in presents this year--but still not crazy ripping into things like the boys always did.  Cora opened a few too, but quickly the novelty, noise, and commotion caused her to retreat upstairs for some quiet time.
The grandparents enjoyed their gifts too, and we all had a great breakfast before Amara started in on her crafts.
Cora loved her big gingerbread hello kitty doll, no real surprise--i love watching her drag those big animals around!
Cora went on a bit of a hug rotation and got to everyone without falling over, that is a pretty good record for her ;)
PEEK!!  Cora loved her Hello Kitty bath towel! that one is going in the washer STAT!
(Our attempt at a family photo ;) impossible to get all 4 of us looking in the same direction at the same time.  Merry Christmas!

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