Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Breakfast with Santa

This was (I think) the third year in a row we decided to go to the breakfast with Santa that our friends Susan and Ken Blaies host.  It's always a super cute event featuring a DJ, breakfast, Santa pics, cookie decorating, face painting, and a secret Santa shop room.

Amara hoped right up on Santa's lap and didn't hesitate to chat with him a little, while Cora I'm sure was on his lap exactly 2 seconds before reaching for me.  I'm not overly concerned with the perfect photo--rather that they had fun, so I was totally fine with that.
We made it over at the perfect time this year--some folks had cleared out and we got a seat right up front!  Cora started in dancing to the Cha-Cha slide and electric slide, while Amara gobbled down her breakfast.  Amara actually asked Susan where the face painting girls where as soon as we got there, and hit up that table  first thing, a big departure from last year where she was too timid ;)

Amara iced a cookie (Cora wasn't interested) and then hit the secret santa room to shop. I'm not sure what she got as we let her go in alone, but she was excited to come out with her bag!
Cora must have worn herself out dancing, because she started tugging on us to leave, just as Ms. Sarah, Rich and Jonathan showed up.  Eric was taking Cora to the car for some quiet, and Amara stuck around for a little bit--long enough to tell Santa that she wanted a Zebra for Christmas--no problem.  haha.
We commented on the way home that we really love that event, it's so sweet and fun to see Susan and Ken, and now Sarah's family makes it a tradition too.  I can't wait to see the pics the photographer posts--we didn't get Cora to sit on his lap, but maybe when Santa Dennis makes his visit to the house...we shall see!

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