Friday, December 28, 2012

My old toy box

Mom kept a lot of things for me from my childhood--I'm sure a product of having a full basement attic, and children who are packrats...

but i'm glad for it.

A lot of my things have been damaged over the years, or due to the introduction of 3 (ahem) nephews who were a little rougher than I as a tot, but we are happy to have what we have.

I was devastated when this toy box was damaged, and we'd looked and looked for someone to work on it (for YEARS) and never could.  Recently, Eric was going to take on the task of fixing it, but life "got in the way..." and it sat in the garage--all sad like.

My cake friend, Misty, suggested a guy she knows in Lancaster--who literally has no email, voicemail, and she says has a rotary dial phone.  wow.  In October, we met up--he was a man of very few words, but was confident he could fix it.

After maybe 6-8 weeks, I got a call one day that the box was done.  I was so excited to meet up with him and see it working again, I couldn't wait to get it home and share with the girls.  

They immediately ran to sit on it, then lift and lower the seat, and next, filling it with bears, puzzles, sippy cups, and each other :) I am so thankful to mom for saving this relic, Eric for trying to save it, and Paul for fixing it--so that these girlies can enjoy it as much as I did.

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