Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jonathan's 5th birthday: Chik fil a

The girls were so excited to be excited to Jonathan's 5th birthday party!!  He is getting so big and tall and they look up to him like the big brother you adore and who pesters you at the same time, haha.
The girls enjoyed their favorite nuggets and applesauce and spent a lot of time in the play area, before Cora got too fussy and Eric took her home.  Of all days, she decided NOT to take a nap for Mrs. Sarah, which I can literally count on one hand!  Stinker!

I think Amara really enjoyed being with Jonathan to play with some bigger kids and chase and be independent  It's so funny to see how she acts without Cora around, and more specifically, when she's at a party environment. If she's comfortable, she gestures wildly and really puts on a show--it's quite funny.

The kids got a big surprise when the giant cow stopped in for a hug and some high-5's!  He got lots of hugs and the kids loved seeing him.
Amara and Jonathan chased each other and laughed until it was time for presents and cake. The cupcakes were wonderful and Amara gave me the play-by-play of gifts along the way.  I think Jonathan had a great party and we had a great evening playing with some of our favorite friends.  Happy birthday Jonathan (even though it's not till the 24th, haha)

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