Friday, October 29, 2010

Circle S Fall festival

Even though we got our big giant pumpkins from dad, we still felt the need to venture out and try some fall events.  Amara never makes it up late enough to enjoy any of her cousin's hay rides, so we thought we'd try Circle S this year.

We actually picked a PERFECT fall, Friday afternoon (Eric caught wind that the weekend was going to be nasty) and it was great, not to packed or anything!

We started off with the hayride, which is an old wagon with sides on it, and it takes you out to the patch to pick one.  Like I said, having a porch full at home, we were more interested in the ride than another pumpkin...

So, she and I had fun tossing hay up in the air (like I said, not busy, so we weren't annoying any other riders)

Then daddy got in on the games too!

We were learning to 'sprinkle' the hay into the wind.

After the hayride and pumpkin in hand (bag,) we headed into the big barn-o-hay  to check it out.  Other than being so hazy with hay dust that you could barely see :)  it was awesome. Lots of soft, fluffy and SLIPPERY hay to climb and giant slides perfect for daddy and bean to fly down together!

Back outside for fresh air and to check out the vintage tractors.  Not quite like papaw's John Deere.

And making silly faces in the animals with dad--though, the sun was DIRECTLY in their eyes, so not really that funny.

BUT, a stop in the gift shop on the way out fixed all of that.  Included in the price of admission was cider and a doughnut, but a sprinkle coated carmel apple caught her eye instead.  Apprehensive, Eric got one for her--I figured we'd be one bite and done, but hey, what do I know.

SHE LOVED IT!  She loves sour things anyway, but she loved ALL of it!

First it was bites, then nibbles, then pulling carmel off, and sprinkles, always washing down with a gulp of their wonderful cider--thanks daddy for buying me a big jug of it!

Just about all hay-rided, sliding, apple-eating, out'd here.  Sipping juice and stopped to take a rest on the (VERY SHORT) walk to the car--I was thinking Eric would have to pick her up between the exhaustion and the sugar crash!

It was a fun time, we all enjoyed it--and if you needed them, they have a great selection of pumpkins and goodies too.  We normally only go there for the strawberries, but we might have more occasion to come back!

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