Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick or Treat

This year had a lot of differences over prior Trick-or-Treat nights.  First, we moved, so new neighborhood, didn't know really what to expect, 2nd, my nephews moved too, so no visiting their old house--which was always tradition, last, and most important to Eric, Rotollos closed--so no Rotollos for dinner (a tradition).

However, since Amara now watches a little TV, we enjoyed watching a few shows wtih her about Trick-or-Treating and costumes and that kind of thing, so I was really wondering how she would handle things over other years.
Because Amara (and Eric) have gotten really into inflatables lately, it seemed only fitting that her venture out would start with a visit to her pumpkin friends.  She gave them quick hugs then headed out, jumping all the way (something she had been watching her dinosaur counterpart on Ni Hao Kai Lan do all week long).

We recently baked pumpkin breads for our new neighbors, so I think they were kind of expecting us.  It was fun to visit again--Amara remembered mostly the dogs at each house, and they seemed to remember her too!  The grandmas' had fun walking her up to the houses, and I enjoyed waiting on the other end, video camera rolling, capturing the "Mama, mama," and excitement to see a tootsie roll or sucker in her ghost pail.
I think we made it to the 2nd house before the candy went in the mouth.  That's ok :)  Trick-or-treat is not the time for willpower!

It got a little chilly and memaw Jackie brought her car around, so we could get warmer and sit down--you never think about how far away from home you're going to be when things tucker out, so we tried to be prepared!  Daddy got in the game being escort too, while the grandma's warmed up...and the grandpa's stayed home to wait on pizza and hand out candy too.

Both sets of Grandparents were there to see our little dinosaur out into the cul-de-sac and we all had a blast!  Back at home, we checked out our goodies, this bag was some smores cereal mix from Memaw Young that she shared with everyone :)

Next came the candy let down--she doesn't really have a lot of candy ever, so I figured this might be interesting for her, but she ate some with me, and had a little candy, and got to play with papaw Young in the playroom too, it was a super fun night and I am pretty sure we were all exhausted--Amara did have a hard time getting to sleep with all the excitement though, so I'm sure she'll up, Halloween party at Aunt Charlotte's, so she has to, right?

  We have also been invited to a friend's trunk-or-treat at their church on Sunday, so we'll see how weather, etc. plays out--if she wants to put the dinosaur on again, I won't discourage her, but she sure is a cutie!

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