Friday, October 29, 2010

Pumpkin patch

This year, like recent ones, we wanted to head to Papaw's pumpkin patch to get our decorations.  Dad was worried because normally he has thousands of pumpkins, gourds, etc. for the picking, and I guess they didn't take off this year--but there were still plenty for us!

We headed to the farm and it was easy to spot the giant orange monsters.  Bean did her job of spotting from high atop dad's shoulders, safe from the giant pumpkin leaves, some taller than she was!  We got down earlier in the season than last year, I guess, judging by the fact that not many of the vines had died off.

After picking out a half dozen big ones (I mean BIG) Amara got up the courage to scavenge around a little and found a few of her trademark favorite 'tiny pumpkins' which daddy promptly cut free for her and made her day.

Since it appears we all have fall allergies now, and were getting stuffy due to all the corn dust flying around, we didn't stay long--we just took our treasures and headed back to home, unloading them and decorating the front porch and house when we got there.  They look beautiful!

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