Friday, October 29, 2010

Tea parties

Amara has been recently showing  more and more interest in what her animals are 'doing.'  She often has rolling commentaries about someone being sick, needing food, wanting to play, etc. 

The other night, she and daddy were playing and Eric said she set this whole table up herself.  Placed her esteemed guests about the table in their seats and gave them dishes.  The guests were bear, monkey, and some of the Backyardiagns shared a chair :)

She gave them each assorted snacks (blocks) but also shared some of her plastic fruit from her grocery cart :)  I recently got an update from one of the parenting sites I subscribe to, about how sharing and 2 year olds don't mix, that it's an acquired skill or trait and not to rush it, but this girl is a sharer.  Sure, it's usually on her terms, but this shows me she is at least aware of it and wants to.  So sweet.

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