Thursday, December 25, 2014

Amara earns her Karate red belt!

Since Amara started her Karate classes in fall, she has wanted a Gi and a belt. Specifically, to test for a belt. Sinsei Dave (who is amazing with her) told her he'd test her when she was ready, so with this, I think her 3rd session, she was finally there. We practiced her Japanese counting all week--no need to practice her kata, she had that DOWN, early on.

We did practice some of her vocabulary a bit: begin, end, class, school, teacher, uniform, belt, punches and kicks were a few of the words she had to learn and master. She also sparred with two green belts, both bigger than she, and did great.

In the end, she passed with a 28 out of 30, 27 is passing. He said that he was very proud of how far she has come so quickly and she and I were both proud enough to burst. She gets a break now till January, but he already told her the next test is a 12 punch kata--for her, that's just a challenge up her alley.

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