Sunday, December 28, 2014

christmas eve church and home

We were excited to go to Christmas eve service at the Naz, as always, but this year we knew we could look for Saphira on stage with the children's choir! We got our seats and the girls enjoyed the singing, instruments, and there were even ballerinas on stage who helped tell a story about a music box who had lost its music.

The music and the service were beautiful!

We saw Saphira and her mom Kirstin on stage, we also got to see our friend Mrs. Misty, and a few others as we exited.  The girls were pretty good in the service, even though I could tell they were wearing down from our busy day. Everyone was bustling out and the girls were hungry, so we headed to get our chinese takeout, part of our traditional Christmas Eve night.
When we got home, the girls got right in their PJs and we all ate together on the couch while we watched a few Christmas cartoons (Prep and Landing is a favorite for the last few years). 

Then it was on to the work to get done for Santa: milk, cookies, and raisins on a plate by the fireplace, and the reindeer food sprinkled outside for the reindeer to find our house. Amara made some at school and the girls both made some with Carissa, so it was a new thing this year they really enjoyed.

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