Saturday, December 27, 2014

Cookie day

Awesome time baking and enjoying friends this year as always! Had a great group of girls, some wine, lots of kiddos and lots of laughter!  We were glad to have Kortney back in the country this year, but sad to have Sarah at her last cookie day for a long time to come.

The girls all played and helped sample, that much is for sure. We tried lots of new recipes, all of which were hits--even the ones we THOUGHT were flops, turned out to be favorites. Carolyn brought some with her already done, so it looked like we were more accomplished than we were, lol--but we really got a lot done fast.

We all got in on the chocolate this year too, Kortney's oreo balls (and mint ones too), Kirsten was right on the turtles with Carolyn and Amanda, Sheri and Sarah actually got to bake while the girls and Jonathan played--and Eric basically held MJ all day and afternoon (and i didn't hear him complain).

Co-pilot Carolyn and Sarah made the best of a confusing and complex red velvet cookie to save the night. We had a lot of laughs (and not JUST because of the bottles of Moscato that we devoured) and really, really enjoyed ourselves. I feel so lucky to have amazing friends and just love the heck out of all of them.

 I was so caught up, I really didn't even get a good pic for the table, but even though it was early, kort came through with one for me. OH and mom was there--she was just upstairs endlessly folding clothes for 4 hours, and yes, seriously.

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