Tuesday, December 30, 2014

CCS Christmas party

The Cheer Center Christmas ball/ holiday party was kind of a bust, but it was nice enough :)  It was at Foxfire, so close, but it was between Christmas and New Year's and we'd all had a long few days.

The girls were excited though and anxious to get gussied up, so we headed out. We got there in plenty of time to pick out seats, then the waiting began.

Cora got a nosebleed at the table just as they were dismissing ours, so we handled that and then finally ate, but we'd been there 2 hours by the time they were just getting to the gift exchange. With NYE the next night, Eric and I made the decision to punt and hit the road--so glad we did. Friends were posting pics at 10:30 of the dancing, which was all Amara was even interested in, so no way we would have made that.

We got the girls in their jammies and started prepping for NYE the next day. It was good to see some CCS buddies around and say hi and dress up, but it wasn't near the event it was at Grand Oaks last year--that's ok though, we got to go and the girls were sweet and didn't complain a bit when we left. I was super proud of them.

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