Thursday, December 11, 2014

Turkey wattle in GC

Thanksgiving morning, bright and early, we headed to town for OUR 2nd annual Thanksgiving wattle--the events' third. It was COLD, windy, and a few flurries even fell. The kids run was at 8:30--and the girls were pumped to make their donation to Mid Ohio Food Bank and get their medals (of course).

I snapped a quick pic as we hurried back to the car--there was no time for standing around! But on the way back to the car, we saw several friends who were getting ready for the grown up, 5k run. Amara isn't ready for that, but maybe in a few years, who knows. She proudly put her medal on and was thrilled to show it off all Thanksgiving day. She really had a good time, and asked me when the next run was! Gotta start looking around I guess.

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