Wednesday, December 17, 2014

First Darbydale skate night

Amara was thrilled to have a flier come home for the first Darbydale school-skate of the season! She had been asking to skate, and this was a free night for us (technically we had missed one earlier in the fall, with a busy class conflict time) so we headed up.  Cora wanted to go too--it wasn't packed, but there was a good group there.

Amara saw lots of her school mates, and one or two from her class. I remember seeing Caroline for sure, though I'm still learning all the faces and the names there. Amara wanted to do the games and fun parts of the night too for sure, and by the end Cora was getting even more and more confident on her skate mate, so it was a great time for all of us. I can't wait for her next skating outing!

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